Join our team of volunteers today!



to Protect our Kids!

Volunteer with Protect Kids Colorado

Join Us in Making a Difference for Every Child

At Protect Kids Colorado, we believe in the power of collective action to create a world where every child is protected and nurtured. If you share our same passion for ensuring a brighter future for children, we invite you to become a vital part of our volunteer team.

Why Volunteer with Us?

  • Impact: Make a direct and positive impact on the lives of children in Colorado.
  • Community: Join a diverse and passionate community dedicated to championing the best interests of children. 
  • Skill Development: Enhance your skills and gain valuable experience in areas such as advocacy, fundraising, and community outreach.
  • Collaboration: Work alongside like-minded individuals and professionals who are committed to the well-being of children.

Volunteer Opportunities

Carry A Petition:

  • Become a voice for children by gathering petition signatures to bring our initiatives to life on the Colorado Ballot.

Events and Fundraising:

  • Contribute to our success by hosting an event to gather more signatures on petitions and help raise funds for our programs and initiatives.

Give Your Time:

  • Can you show up to stuff envelopes, make phone calls or help by contributing any kind of skilled trade?

Training Video:

Don't Have The Free Time?

If you can’t spare the time to volunteer this year, please consider making a contribution – another invaluable way to pitch in!